Monday, December 12, 2005


From PDT:

Joseph Terelya - Messages of Nov 15, 2005 in Marmora, ON, Canada
Joseph Terelya - Messages of Nov 15, 2005 in Marmora, ON, Canada

Joseph Terelya's (Ukrainian visionary) messages from Virgin Mary and St. Michaelin Marmora, Ontario, Canada November 15, 2005 - 3:00 p.m. Marmora, Ontario,Canada

I was praying alone at the 10th Station of The Way of The Cross A lightappeared and in it the Living Mother of God , Mary the Miracle Worker."Our Son, today is the last time I am giving such a prophecy: It is necessaryfor those who support evil in its manifestation through murder, sacrileges andheresies.It is important that those committing homosexual acts, lesbianism, thedifferent forms sexual perversions and the murder of the unborn, or those whocommit these acts, or those who have had or performed abortions, or those whouse the embryos, (e.g. like those in China who eat parts of aborted children) --all these shall suffer. They will suffer from sores that appear onthe skin or within the body, they will suffer greatly and society will cast themout like lepers.This will happen to those who commit the sin of sodomy.God is good and is ready to forgive those who repent of their sins. Thosewho change their lives through good confession and amendments of their lives,who will return to the bosom of the Church.These putrid sores will be accompanied by a fetid stench. This illnesswill violently attack the skin and those parts of the body that are involved insexual perversion. These people will be scared and no medical treatment will beavailable to them. They will die in horrible agonies which will be a testimonyof their deeds.I am sending these horrible diseases to give people to understand thegreat evil of Sodom and Gomorrah. Show them that their deeds are not acceptablebefore God. A disease that is not only lasting but also incurable will facehumanity. This is one of the disasters that were foretold in the prophecycenturies ago.Contemporary man no longer recognizes sin in the many forms inspired by Satan.Mother Theresa of Calcutta once said, "The one who was to discover theremedy to Aids was aborted at birth." I tell you this is the true and now therewill be no remedy for Aids as there will be no remedy for the many diseaseswhich will come upon this earth.My dear children, this is not the end of the world, this is the end ofthis era. The Blessed Trinity has waited a long time for the hearts of men tochange, that the people acknowledge their sins, repent, pray and God willforgive you."My eyes were filled with tears and I felt chilled.It was then that I heard a pleasant voice (St. Michael):CANADA AND AMERICA! TO ALL AND EVERYONE! THEY ARE PREPARING NEW CHAINSFOR YOU. THE HOLY TRUTH OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS BEING ACCOMPLISHED IN OURSINFUL CIVILIZATION! THE SIGN AND NUMBER OF THE ANTICHRIST ARE ALREADYPRESENT IN THE WORLD! CHRISTIANS BATTLE WITH THE SHARP SWORD OF GOD'S TRUTH,KILLING THE LIE OF THE EVIL. (REV 13:17) "...SO THAT NO ONE CAN BUY OR SELLUNLESS HE HAS THE MARK OF THE BEAST THAT IS THE NAME OF THE BEAST OR THE NUMBEROF ITS NAME. READ THE PROPHECISES OF THE PROPHET DANIEL"


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