Sunday, September 27, 2009

Monthly Message From Our Lady

Message of September 25, 2009

"Dear children, with joy, persistently work on your conversion. Offer all your joys and sorrows to my Immaculate Heart that I may lead you all to my most beloved Son, so that you may find joy in His Heart. I am with you to instruct you and to lead you towards eternity. Thank you for having responded to my call." 09/2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pray for the souls in purgatory

Pray for souls in purgatory:

"Eternal Father, I offer You the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus Christ, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, those in the Universal Church, in my home, and in my family."

Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Jakov's last daily apparition and tenth secret" by Sean Bloomfield

Jakov Colo calmly prayed as he waited for Our Lady to visit him, just as he had done every day for the previous 17 years of his life.
It was September 11th, 1998, and Jakov was a world away from the arid hills of Medjugorje, having come to visit his dear friend Marija Paulic and her family in Sunrise, Florida, near Fort Lauderdale. During his overseas trip—a rare feat for this young man who had always been afraid to travel in airplanes—Our Lady appeared to him in the usual way, every afternoon.
As he waited and prayed in the living room of Marija’s home, this day seemed no different. The Virgin finally appeared—a blissful moment which, according to the six seers, is impossible to describe in earthly terms no matter how many times it happens.
To Jakov’s shock, however, the Blessed Mother announced that this would be her last regular daily apparition to him. No reason was given. She concluded their meeting by requesting that Jakov prepare to receive the tenth and final secret during a special apparition the following morning.
After the apparition, Jakov struggled to understand what he had been told. He couldn’t comprehend the thought of no longer seeing Our Lady every day. In many ways, the Virgin was the paramount maternal figure in his life; she had been with Jakov longer than his own mother, Jaca, who had died soon after the apparitions began.
On September 12th, Our Lady appeared to Jakov at 11:15 AM (EST). According to Jakov,
According to Jakov, "When She came She greeted me as always with ‘Praised be Jesus.’ While She was confiding the 10th secret to me, She was sad. Then with a gentle smile, She said to me”:
"When She came She greeted me as a"Dear child! I am your mother and I love you unconditionally. From today I will not be appearing to you every day, but only on Christmas, the birthday of my Son. Do not be sad, because as a mother I will always be with you and like every true mother I will never leave you. And continue further to follow the way of my Son, the way of peace and love and try to persevere in the mission that I have confided to you. Be an example of that man who has known God and God’s love. Let people always see in you an example of how God acts on people and how God acts through them. I bless you with my motherly blessing and I thank you for having responded to my call."
Ending at 11:45 AM, approximately 30 minutes after it began, this apparition was especially long.
The parishioners and priests of Medjugorje, including the late Fr. Slavko, were taken aback when they received word of Jakov’s last daily apparition occurring in the USA. They had always thought it would take place in Medjugorje, where Mirjana and Ivanka had each received the tenth secret.
No one, however, was more affected than Jakov. He became depressed and withdrawn for many months, struggling with the absence of seeing Our Lady every day. Eventually, through ardent prayer, he came to understand that he had to be like everyone else who did not see the Virgin every day. Anyone, he allotted, could be close to her by praying with their hearts.
Three years later, the symbolic reason for the date and location of Jakov’s last daily apparition became apparent when, on September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists crashed hijacked planes into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon. The attacks killed thousands and ushered in a new era of war, fear and uncertainty. It would later be revealed that many of the terrorists who piloted the planes had spent a substantial amount of time in Florida, preparing for the attacks and attending flight schools. Their plans, in fact, were being hatched at the same time that Jakov received the tenth secret.
When asked in 2003 if the secrets he has received have anything to do with the 9/11 attacks and the problem of Islamic terrorism, Jakov paused and then reluctantly said, “I should not answer that.”
Jakov lives in Medjugorje with his wife and three children. He waits impatiently for the one day every year that Our Lady has promised to appear to him for the rest of his earthly life: December 25th, Christmas day. When that day comes, Our Lady appears holding the baby Jesus, dressed in a radiant gold gown. Jakov’s eyes fill with childlike anticipation and excitement in the days leading up to Christmas.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Monthly message from Our Lady

Message of August 25, 2009

"Dear children! Today I call you anew to conversion. Little children, you are not holy enough and you do not radiate holiness to others, therefore pray, pray, pray and work on your personal conversion, so that you may be a sign of God's love to others. I am with you and am leading you towards eternity, for which every heart must yearn. Thank you for having responded to my call." 08/2009

St. Giles feastday

St. Giles, Abbot

Feastday: September 1Patron of Cripples
St. Giles, Abbot (Patron of Physically Disabled) Feast day - September 1
St. Giles is said to have been a seventh century Athenian of noble birth. His piety and learning made him so conspicuous and an object of such admiration in his own country that, dreading praise and longing for a hidden life, he left his home and sailed for France. At first he took up his abode in a wilderness near the mouth of the Rhone river, afterward near the river Gard, and, finally, in the diocese of Nimes.
He spend many years in solitude conversing only with God. The fame of his miracles became so great that his reputation spread throughout France. He was highly esteemed by the French king, but he could not be prevailed upon to forsake his solitude. He admitted several disciples, however, to share it with him. He founded a monastery, and established an excellent discipline therein. In succeeding ages it embraced the rule of St. Benedict. St. Giles died probably in the beginning of the eighth century, about the year 724.

St. Fiacre feastday

St. Fiacre

Feastday: September 1Patron of Gardeners and Cab-drivers
St. Fiacre (Fiachra) is not mentioned in the earlier Irish calendars, but it is said that he was born in Ireland and that he sailed over into France in quest of closer solitude, in which he might devote himself to God, unknown to the world. He arrived at Meaux, where Saint Faro, who was the bishop of that city, gave him a solitary dwelling in a forest which was his own patrimony, called Breuil, in the province of Brie. There is a legend that St. Faro offered him as much land as he could turn up in a day, and that St. Fiacre, instead of driving his furrow with a plough, turned the top of the soil with the point of his staff. The anchorite cleared the ground of trees and briers, made himself a cell with a garden, built an oratory in honor of the Blessed Virgin, and made a hospice for travelers which developed into the village of Saint-Fiacre in Seine-et-Marne. Many resorted to him for advice, and the poor, for relief. His charity moved him to attend cheerfully those that came to consult him; and in his hospice he entertained all comers, serving them with his own hands, and sometimes miraculously restored to health those that were sick. He never allowed any woman to enter the enclosure of his hermitage, and Saint Fiacre extended the prohibition even to his chapel; several rather ill-natured legends profess to account for it. Others tell us that those who attempted to transgress, were punished by visible judgements, and that, for example, in 1620 a lady of Paris, who claimed to be above this rule, going into the oratory, became distracted upon the spot and never recovered her senses; whereas Anne of Austria, Queen of France, was content to offer up her prayers outside the door, amongst the other pilgrims.
The fame of Saint Fiacre's miracles of healing continued after his death and crowds visited his shrine for centuries. Mgr. Seguier, Bishop of Meaux in 1649, and John de Chatillon, Count of Blois, gave testimony of their own relief. Anne of Austria attributed to the meditation of this saint, the recovery of Louis XIII at Lyons, where he had been dangerously ill; in thanksgiving for which she made, on foot, a pilgrimage to the shrine in 1641. She also sent to his shrine, a token in acknowledgement of his intervention in the birth of her son, Louis XIV. Before that king underwent a severe operation, Bossuet, bishop of Meaux, began a novena of prayers at Saint-Fiacre to ask the divine blessing. His relics at Meaux are still resorted to, and he is invoked against all sorts of physical ills, including venereal disease. He is also a patron saint of gardeners and of cab-drivers of Paris. French cabs are called fiacres because the first establishment to let coaches on hire, in the middle of the seventeenth century, was in the Rue Saint-Martin, near the hotel Saint-Fiacre, in Paris. Saint Fiacre's feast is kept in some dioceses of France, and throughout Ireland on this date. Many miracles were claimed through his working the land and interceding for others. Feast day is September 1st.

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